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Cracking the Negotiation Code: Insights from a World Leading Expert for Women about to negotiate their salaries
Many women today face challenges when it comes to advancing in their careers, such as navigating workplace biases and breaking through the ‘broken rung’ or the ‘glass ceiling’. Negotiation expert Wies Bratby believes that mastering negotiation skills is a key factor in overcoming these obstacles and achieving your career goals.
In this exclusive interview, Wies shares valuable insights on why women need to negotiate more, how negotiation is a skill that can be learned, and what mistakes to avoid in the process. As a seasoned negotiator and consultant, Wies has helped countless women successfully negotiate their way to higher salaries, better job titles, and more fulfilling careers.
Whether you're negotiating a raise, a promotion, or a new job offer, Wies' insights are sure to be valuable for any career woman looking to take her career to the next level. So, grab a cup of coffee and get ready to learn from a true negotiation pro who's dedicated her career to helping women succeed in the workforce.