Three ways to discover your strengths and become a successful leader

Unlocking your true potential as a leader is not about fitting into a predetermined mold; it's about embracing your unique strengths and qualities. 

To help you embark on this transformative journey, we've gathered insights from expert Giulia Porro, a Holistic Leadership Coach. In this blog post, she’s diving into three tangible and actionable ways to discover your strengths so that you can become a successful leader. 

So, if you're ready to step into your leadership role with authenticity and power, read on.


1) Do the inner work

Self-reflection and inner work play a vital role in the growth and success of women leaders in both business and life. By engaging in these two practices, you gain a deeper understanding of your strengths, weaknesses, values, and aspirations.

An experiment from the Journal of Applied Psychology, shows that leaders who practice self-reflection on a daily basis are more engaged in their work and able to fully exude presence and leadership to others as a result. Also, they feel more energized from within about their work without that third cup of coffee. Quite amazing!

Here's why that matters to us all: Everyone is on their own leadership journey, regardless of whether they have the title or business they've always wanted. Leadership development is an active process that requires a willingness to become more self-aware every day. On top of that is the fact that you’re often being asked to expand your energetic space, holding more room for new people, new ideas, more clients and more tasks, and taking on uncomfortable situations, conversations and risks on a daily basis.

It’s no surprise that many women leaders are feeling drained and even overly protective of their energetic resources! But simple solutions can actually be wildly effective. You are beyond capable of holding space for all of these aspects of your role and for continuing to expand in future roles, but to do so it’s critical that you create space and routines that allow you to stay in your energetic alignment.

When leaders are able to switch from a reactive stress-filled to one of proactive, yet calm attitude everyone’s experience improves. Our work gets better, the work of people around us gets better, and most importantly it feels better.

Keep in mind that adding self-reflection and inner work to your plate doesn’t need to be overwhelming! 

You can start by simply asking yourself how you feel on a daily basis, what’s important to you and if/how your current actions and life are aligned with what feels important to you.

Of course working with a coach will make the whole process deeper, more fun and effective. 

In my experience coaching women worldwide, I see that self-reflection and inner work empower women leaders to lead and show up authentically, so that they can inspire and motivate others by aligning their actions with their values.


2) Understand your energetics

One of the main ways I work in my coaching practice is around energetics, magnetism, and Human Design. It’s an amazing tool that combines astrology and other disciplines to uncover your unique energetic blueprint.

In Human Design, the mechanics of each of us are contained in a ‘chart’ called the Human Design Chart or Body Graph, that is calculated using your date of birth, time and location, and reveals your genetic blueprint, your mechanics, and your design. At the most practical level, Human Design shows you where and how to access your body’s consciousness as a decision-making tool and, ultimately, how to live as your true self, leaving behind conditioning and operating strategies that don’t serve you. It enables you to tap into your strengths, make better decisions, and optimize your well-being, ultimately driving greater success for yourself and your organizations and business.

Knowing your own energetic blueprint helps you reduce resistance and make decisions that are effective for you – both in life and in business. This is particularly important for women leaders, because we’re still operating in a very masculine world. We’ve been conditioned for so long to work using masculine energy, that there’s an additional layer of deconditioning we need to go through. 

I truly believe that everyone is different and you can’t get the success you crave by following general rules, or trying to copy the way other people do things (it might work for a while but usually at the expense of your own wellbeing and fulfillment). 

That’s why doing a deep dive into energetics and human design is so important to my work. These tools allow me to help my clients truly understand their unique skills, passions and drive. We uncover insights into what’s the best way for them to make an impact in the world in a way that feels aligned for them. When all these pieces are unlocked, THAT’S the secret to creating true and fulfilling success. 

To check your Human Design chart you can go to: Get Your Chart


3) Embrace your multi-passionate nature

A woman's multi-passionate nature is crucial to leadership success. As women, we often possess diverse interests, talents, and skills, which should be acknowledged and celebrated.

How do you know if you’re a multi-passionate person?

You can ask yourself these questions:

  1. Can I easily take on different roles and tasks and juggle them simultaneously?

  2. Do I always enjoy learning, exploring, and developing new skills?

  3. Do I get bored quickly?

  4. Am I able to quickly connect the dots and create a new perspective that others can't see?

  5. Do I often hear from people that I’m busy with too many things at once?

  6. Do I have a hard time choosing one thing for fear of  missing out on something?

If you answered yes to a few or all these questions, you’re most likely a multi-passionate!

What are the perks of being multi-passionate and multi-dimensional?

First of all, it enables you to approach problems and challenges from various angles. Your diverse interests and skills provide you with a broader range of tools and strategies to tackle complex issues. This adaptability and versatility can lead to more innovative and effective solutions.

Also, embracing your multi-passionate nature allows you to connect with a wider range of people. Their diverse interests make it easier for you to establish common ground with individuals from different backgrounds and industries. This ability to build connections and foster collaboration can lead to stronger and more inclusive leadership, that is now needed more than ever.

And, embracing your multi-passionate nature enables you to pursue your passions and interests inside and outside of the workplace. Because life is not only about work, right? ;) By embracing their diverse talents, leaders can find fulfillment and satisfaction in various areas that ultimately fosters personal fulfillment and overall well-being. 

Remember: Becoming a successful leader isn't about conforming to someone else's idea of what a leader should be. It's about harnessing your inner strengths, understanding your unique energetics, and fully embracing your multi-passionate nature. These three pathways to self-discovery will not only make you a more effective leader but also a more fulfilled one. So, take these insights, work on your inner self, and watch your leadership journey soar to new heights. 

Remember, it's your authenticity that sets you apart, and that's where your true leadership power lies.

About Giulia Porro

Giulia is a Holistic Leadership Coach for rebellious women leaders who want to experience success without sacrificing themselves. You can find and connect with her on LinkedIn


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